SUKI BAMBOO | I have a dream
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In words (by Abraham Hicks):
Whatever you are thinking and that which you are attracting is always a match. Also, what you are thinking and feeling in the dream state and what is manifesting in your life experience is always a match. Your dreams give you a glimpse into what you are creating.
Dreams are an indicator of the momentum you’ve got going.
It’s not your work to make anything happen. It’s your work to dream it and let it happen.
Follow your dreams.
Use your imagination until your big dream feels so familiar that the manifestation is the next logical step.
Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.
The Universe, which is responding to the thougths you are thinking, does not distinguish between a thougth from your observation of some observed reality and a thought brought about by your imagination. In either case, the thought equals your point of attraction — and if you focus upon it long enough, it will become your reality.
You are the creator of all that occurs in all of your life experience. You create your physical life experience throught your thoughts. Literally, every thought that you think gives birth to a creation.
You are the creator of your own reality because you are the chooser of the thought right now.